
Saturday, January 4, 2014

UP! Nail Art.

Winter sickness is not fun, however, being bored and unable to do anything else, I needed a pick me up. Literally and pick me UP…hehe. Inspired by my all time favorite cartoon, UP, I painted away. Unfortunately there are no step to step photos, but a pretty simple design that any one can do. The hardest part was the house, but I do my best to guide you through.

First paint the background a light blue and let dry. Easy right? Ok, now here's the hard part I cut tape the shape of the house and and placed it on my dry nail, outlined and remove the tape when dry. Using a tooth pick to fill in the house and draw the details…the house was made. The rest was pretty simple. The balloons are just dabbed on with a bobby pin and the clouds were literally randomly painted with the nail brush. The clouds are supposed to be unorganized and random, so just go with it. Add a top coat and your done. It may take some practice, but once it is done, you love it regardless. These put me in a good mood everyday. Happy painting!

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